Update: there is a new version available of conky manager, v1.2, With new themes, and features. Which you can import theme packs.
Download the theme pack by Jesse Avalos Deluxe_Conky_Theme_Pack.cmtp.7z. Go to Options and click the Import Conky Manager Theme Pack (*.cmtp.7z) and, now you have several conky themes, to choose from.

Conky-manager review and howto

Conky manager

conky-manager is a graphical front-end for managing Conky config files. It provides options to start/stop, browse and edit Conky themes installed on the system. Packages are currently available in Launchpad for Ubuntu and derivatives (Linux Mint, etc). [1]
Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any information on your desktop.[2]

conky-manager is not available via the official Ubuntu repository, we will install it via its official PPA, like so:

  1. sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. sudo apt-get install conky-manager

There are several themes pre-installed which you can modify with conky, or simply editing the theme file. Here are some screen-shot of the aforementioned themes.

I was pleased with conky-manager and tried to edit some existing themes, and came up with my slightly customized conky theme

All the themes are in ~/conky-manager/themes you can edit them to your liking. If you want to add you own? create a folder in the ~/conky-manager/themes/ folder, like so ~/conky-manager/themes/YOUR THEME. for instance mine is called Hard Conky.

In the folder 'Hard Conky'(YOUR THEME?), there needs to be a config folder. This is where your theme config file reside. Make sure to name it after your Theme name. Conky has a info, and preview button. When selected a theme, the info button opens the info.txt file in the selected theme folder. The preview button opens the preview.png.

Have fun!

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